Handy Guide to Wedding Day Timings

July 9, 2024

We’re sure that all of you studious Secret Barn Couples will have done your homework and read up on how to order your wedding day. But juuuuust in case, here’s another version of that handy page in The Book but with pictures!

We’ve been organising, hosting and catering weddings for over a decade now (how?!) and over that time we’ve formed a pretty solid idea of how long guests can be left chatting or playing lawn games before they need feeding again, and of how long is too long where ceremonies are concerned. So if it’s helpful here is an example ‘Order of the Day’ that we suggest. It’s not a strict guide, you know your guests (some families LOVE long speeches, others want it over with as fast as possible), but we would go with something along these lines:

2pm – Wedding Ceremony This is usually roughly half an hour, which leaves plenty of time for some readings, vows and the all important kiss. If you’re getting married at The Secret Barn we offer legal ceremonies from 1pm onwards.

2:30pm – Canapés We recommend about an hour and a half for welcome drinks, chatting, canapé scoffing and photo’s. If you’re planning lots and lots of photos it is worth noting that you might be away from the main party for a while and you may need a little extra time.

4pm – Feasting! Allow an hour an a half so that no one feels rushed to finish their delicious food.

5:30pm – Pudding We think half an hour is fine if you’re having pudding at the tables.

6:00pm – Speeches Outside We love outdoor speeches, they’re informal and the kids can charge about. We can serve pudding from The Shack just before this, and wheel out the ice cream bike too. Perfect to enjoy the early evening sun, and we then have plenty of time to tidy away the table and get the dance floor ready.

7:00pm – Bar Opens / Cake Cutting / DANCING Self explanatory!

9:00pm – Evening Food This is normally when the Band takes a break between sets. Everyone is hungry again by now and will need feeding again. We will bring out the cut up wedding cake now too (if you choose cakeage!)

11:15pm – Bar closes all the drinks are safely locked away, (yes really!).

11:30pm – Music finishes We’re definitely, definitely not allowed music past 11:30, definitely.

12pm – Venue Closes

Taxi’s and buses need to be booked in advance and must collect guests from the yard. Don’t leave taxi booking ‘til on the day, or think you’ll hail a passing Uber on the lane- you won’t get one!

Phew! Sounds like a great day.

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